Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Live as You Are Called

"Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches." - 1 Corinthians 7:17 (ESV)
Many wonder how or why I do middle school ministry. And I will tell you. Because I see it as one of the most important and critical time periods in a persons life. These years, in my personal opinion, are critical in that a person begins to make choices which will stick with them the rest of their life. Entering into 6th grade you begin to leave childhood behind, and exiting 8th grade your feet are beginning to be set on paths which you will follow into your adult life.

It is here that the world throws things at you: sex, drugs, porn, alcohol, status, fame, depression, eating disorders. And I look and say: how can one not see this critical time. Because while the world is throwing these things, there is still the sense of childlike innocence, still the ear willing to listen, the voice wanting to be heard.

You may see these kids as kids: telling poop jokes, farting, not paying attention. And I have seen them as God's beloved children: lost in a very big world, reaching out. Asking questions about God. Seeking to find love and answers to why they feel a certain way. Afraid to ask questions because for some reason, adults don't think its okay to question things. Read the Psalms. How many times did the Psalmists cry out to God, asking why He had abandoned them. Yet it all came back to hope: knowing that God would never forsake them. This is the hope, the only thing I can offer, to middle school students. And this is why middle school ministry, in my mind, is real ministry. God loves these students where they are at. He doesn't need them to be more theologically sound. Because God doesn't need anything from us. And He doesn't love you or me more because we "know" more than a middle schooler does.

I wouldn't trade what I am doing now for anything. I have no plans of moving on, because to me, there is no moving on. I get that maybe you haven't been called to work with youth, or middle school. But please do not let that degrade the calling God has given someone else. I am not called to adults (at this moment, and it doesn't mean I don't have ministry there. My focus, however is on middle school students and the adults in their lives.) yet you may be called there. Let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him. And let us not diminish the individual callings God has placed on each of us. I am only Matt Brumfield, and I don't expect you to be me, nor should you expect me to be you. We are individuals, broken and wretched, yet used by God for His glory.

He has given me a passion for middle school students. I pray wherever your passion is, in Christ, you would use it for His glory. And do it well, where he has called you, not looking down on another, but celebrating and embracing where each other has been called.

- Brummy

Monday, January 23, 2012

No Longer I Who Live

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. - Galatians 2:20 (ESV)
This verse was the passage we hit on this past Sunday morning in middle school. I think there is always a fear in youth workers who do "special" services that the emphasis is being placed on the stations or getting a certain reaction. And I will be honest, I had those fears. And at first, I assumed the service was a flop, that I had placed to much emphasis on trying to hit on something and perhaps God had different plans. I also went into it this time with a mentality of whether or not anyone responds, we'll do it.

I think God threw me off there because he needed to show me it wasn't my service, it was his. I was assuming this big response right away, and it didn't happen. Because it wasn't about me or my drawing a response. And then God showed me He is at work in these students.

We had a few stations: a cross to tape sticky notes to with things you need to surrender to God. A sand-pile on which you can write sins you need to confess, offer them to God, and wipe them clean - signifying our cleansing through the blood of Christ. And through these, God gave me a glimpse of our students lives, what is going on, and how He is there embracing them. I witnessed our students make their way to the cross, broken yet loved, hurt yet made new in Christ, offering up to God, the only One who can bring hope.

God is doing something great in this generation. A generation searching amidst real struggles and problems. This is what our students are going through:

  • Fighting temptation to lie
  • Fear
  • Broken relationships with Dad
  • Insecurity
  • Feeling Like I don't Belong
  • I hate my life, No one Loves me
  • Anger
  • Being lost in the world
  • Commitment
  • Cussing
  • Bullying
  • Sexual Sin
  • Loving myself
  • Disrespecting others

They live in a crazy world, and are searching for answers, for love. For truth. There is only one truth, one hope, one thing to bring comfort and healing: Jesus. Living for anything but doesn't bring fulfillment, comfort, or satisfaction. It may numb for a time, but nothing within this world can fulfill the deep longing within each of us. No amount of money, friends, sex, drugs, "stuff" or anything but a relationship with Christ Jesus can fulfill.

I have been crucified with Christ Jesus. I don't live any longer, but Christ lives in me. The life I live right now I live by faith in Jesus, who loved me and gave himself for me.

- Brummy

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Note To Parents: Do Not Fear

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. We love because he first loved us. - 1 John 4:18-19 (ESV)
I get small glimpses of what it must be like to be a parent of a middle schooler. What a strange age, where there is a part that is still such a child and another part tugging away, resisting mom and dad's authority and often times seeing with blinders on their eyes. But with this, I also see a side of the students which mom and dad often don't see. Both good and bad, but moreso good.

I want to write this to encourage parents: do not fear. I can't imagine how many times my parents must have been worried that their little boy was suddenly becoming this rebellious, out of control, adolescent. (And at times I was.) And yet, there is another side I see revealed. I have witnessed students who go from being uber disrespectful towards mom and dad to standing beside me, inviting themselves to our new third worship time and singing. Now, this surprises me: most middle school guys don't sing, or if they do its in a funny voice to get attention. And here I stood - next to a seventh grade student who really has a great voice, listening to his singing in worship to His God and Savior. And I knew - why do I fear? My job isn't to worry about every little choice a student makes. Because in the end I can't control it. My job is to love. To speak the truth, to point them to Christ, to give insight on choices they do make. But not to fear, because in fearing I have begun to stop trusting in God. That he is in control, that he has a plan for this student's life.

I hope you would know that the perfect love of Christ gives us no reason to fear. That because our Holy God sent Christ, His son, to be our perfect atoning sacrifice - there is no reason to fear. While we ourselves, while a student, may get off track for a time, God never lets go of them. God who interceded, sent His son to be "Immanuel" - God with us - is certainly present today, working in us and through us. I want you to be encouraged that whatever is going on, things that frighten, either from your child, from the world, that there is no reason to fear. God has called us out, to something greater than us.

And so my role is one of love, that even in the times the students turn to disrespect me, when I feel I have had enough, I think of that perfect love. I think of Christ on the cross. The One who knew know sin took it upon himself, and in those moments I push through, by God's grace, turning to the students in love. Parents - you are doing something right, be encouraged, know that middle school is a crazy time, but let us together set aside fear and love - because we first have been loved.

- Brummy

Friday, January 6, 2012

Who Will This Year Be About?

"For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." - Galatians 1:10 (ESV)
In my preparation for our spring series on the book of Galatians, this verse has been hitting hard with me. Six days into the new year, I have also been doing a lot of thinking, reflecting on the past year and wondering about what is to come. And with it comes this question: who will this year be about? Will it be about Matt Brumfield? Will it be about my accomplishments? Of course, if it is, there will be a reason behind doing those things. Already I have the tendency to stop and ask, will doing this upset this person? How will this help or hinder my relationship with this person?

I have to stop and take a step back. I have to realize this year cannot be about me. It cannot be about trying to make every family in the church happy with our ministry. It cannot be about connecting with everyone I want to in the community. When it comes down to it, it must be about seeking to follow God. That in each and every thing I do, it is done for Him, because I know it will please Him.

Jesus didn't make people happy. In fact he made a lot of people unhappy. So why should I expect that in following Him everyone will be happy with me? There are some already who really want nothing to do with what I have to say, what I believe in. We have ties, some of them family ties, others deep friendships, but when it comes down to my God and Savior, they want nothing. I can't make them happy. There are some who have a mindset of a certain way to "do church," of a certain opinion of what things to talk about or not to talk about. I can tell you honestly, I won't please them. I am not one who holds to a "there are things not to talk about." While I may not bring them up, if a student is going through something, or is faced with a situation, I don't hold a "don't talk about it just read your Bible" stance. I take a let's talk about it and then examine God's word and see what he has to say.

Post-rant about why I will not make people happy - This year I pray that my focus is kept on Christ. That I will not do things to gain the approval of men. This got me nowhere, and it will honestly get you nowhere. If you live for man, you die to man, empty, void, incomplete. But if you live for Christ, die for Christ, you gain everlasting life with our Heavenly Father. Who knows what this year will bring. Let us bring to it hearts longing and seeking to serve God.

In Christ,


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Where Do You Seek Rest?

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28 (NIV)
As we move into 2012, I have noticed there seems to be a lot of weariness. Perhaps this season was crazier than others. Life seems to be crazier and heavier now than it has been for a lot of people, myself included. Many of us are looking for rest, whether in middle school, high school, college, parents, grandparents, pastors, leaders, interns. So the question arises, where do we find rest?

There are things which, of course, we tend to turn to for a bit of personal escape, which I believe is alright. Fishing, for a good friend of mine. Music and starbucks for others. Perhaps video games for some.  And while these things are great (I enjoy all but fishing...) I think we have the tendency to forget to rest in God. Especially those of us who are continually investing and pouring into the lives of others.

Personally, I have a problem. Its a good one though. My heart grows heavy and breaks for those who are hurting and searching in life. And with that means I have to balance an understanding that I cannot be Jesus, but I can do my best to point them to Jesus through my actions and words. I can be there for them, but I cannot fix them. Sometimes this gets me down. And sometime, being around a lot of hurting students and people all week weighs me down. Which reminds me why I need Matthew 11:28. That when I am weary, weary of seeing so much brokenness, I run to God. That when I feel weighed down by seeing broken families, I turn to Christ. That I surrender it to Him. That I rest in the fact that He knows they are hurting, that God is a God who redeems, who restores. And He does it on his timing. My own life wasn't turned around in a day. It was more like a 20 some year process, cause its still in the works. And while its not easy to grasp, I can rest in the hope of Christ. I can come to Him when I feel overwhelmed in life, in ministry, with a student, with a family.

And you, where do you go when you are overwhelmed?  You are not abandoned. You are not alone. You don't have to fix everything. You can't fix everything. But you can turn to the One who loves you more deeply than you could ever imagine. Rest in Him, turn to Him, and we have this promise: God will give us rest, if we come to Him.

In Christ,

- Brummy

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Year...and Reflections on the Past

I can hardly believe that it is 2012. And I can hardly believe how quickly the year has passed by. It seems like just yesterday I was beginning my switch from the University of Akron to Malone University. My career in Youth Ministry, a road full of challenges. I fought and fought against interning with one of my old interns at The Chapel in North Canton. But in fall of 2009 I stepped foot through the doors of The Chapel and from there it was a crazy, yet awesome ride. Who knew the next fall (2010) I would be offered the Interim Middle School Director position, and from there try and balance what essentially required a full-time work week with full-time school. And yet I pushed through, and by God's grace, graduation hit in May of 2011. And with it came the offer of staying on full time at The Chapel. Now here I find myself, reflecting back on this amazing journey, looking forward to a new year and the continued path at The Chapel. And I realize how amazingly blessed I am. The families at The Chapel have been so good to me, and it is such a blessing to come alongside you all, to serve you, to be honored to be trusted with your children. You all truly have a spot in my heart. Your kindness and love towards me has been amazing. I cannot imagine the challenges some face, which God has graciously spared. True, I have ups and downs, we have times of conflict, and yet God has blessed us with grace and mercy.

To the community of North Canton, it has been such an honor to come alongside our local schools. You have to put up with these middle schoolers 5 days a week. You deserve more credit than you get, and it has been an honor to be able to assist in any way possible.

I praise God for this continued opportunity to serve you, to serve alongside you. And let God receive the credit for this all: by all means I should not be here right now. My own life was dead set on anything but the church, but giving God my all, all the time. And yet he has brought me here, into your lives. And brought you into mine. His plan is greater than mine, and I pray that North Canton continues to be a part of his plan for my life.

May you know and never forget how deeply God loves you. May my life only speak of what God has done. And know that I see the work of God evident in you all. And I am so blessed and thankful that you all are a part of my life. Praise God for all these things.

In Christ,
