Monday, January 23, 2012

No Longer I Who Live

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. - Galatians 2:20 (ESV)
This verse was the passage we hit on this past Sunday morning in middle school. I think there is always a fear in youth workers who do "special" services that the emphasis is being placed on the stations or getting a certain reaction. And I will be honest, I had those fears. And at first, I assumed the service was a flop, that I had placed to much emphasis on trying to hit on something and perhaps God had different plans. I also went into it this time with a mentality of whether or not anyone responds, we'll do it.

I think God threw me off there because he needed to show me it wasn't my service, it was his. I was assuming this big response right away, and it didn't happen. Because it wasn't about me or my drawing a response. And then God showed me He is at work in these students.

We had a few stations: a cross to tape sticky notes to with things you need to surrender to God. A sand-pile on which you can write sins you need to confess, offer them to God, and wipe them clean - signifying our cleansing through the blood of Christ. And through these, God gave me a glimpse of our students lives, what is going on, and how He is there embracing them. I witnessed our students make their way to the cross, broken yet loved, hurt yet made new in Christ, offering up to God, the only One who can bring hope.

God is doing something great in this generation. A generation searching amidst real struggles and problems. This is what our students are going through:

  • Fighting temptation to lie
  • Fear
  • Broken relationships with Dad
  • Insecurity
  • Feeling Like I don't Belong
  • I hate my life, No one Loves me
  • Anger
  • Being lost in the world
  • Commitment
  • Cussing
  • Bullying
  • Sexual Sin
  • Loving myself
  • Disrespecting others

They live in a crazy world, and are searching for answers, for love. For truth. There is only one truth, one hope, one thing to bring comfort and healing: Jesus. Living for anything but doesn't bring fulfillment, comfort, or satisfaction. It may numb for a time, but nothing within this world can fulfill the deep longing within each of us. No amount of money, friends, sex, drugs, "stuff" or anything but a relationship with Christ Jesus can fulfill.

I have been crucified with Christ Jesus. I don't live any longer, but Christ lives in me. The life I live right now I live by faith in Jesus, who loved me and gave himself for me.

- Brummy

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