Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Year...and Reflections on the Past

I can hardly believe that it is 2012. And I can hardly believe how quickly the year has passed by. It seems like just yesterday I was beginning my switch from the University of Akron to Malone University. My career in Youth Ministry, a road full of challenges. I fought and fought against interning with one of my old interns at The Chapel in North Canton. But in fall of 2009 I stepped foot through the doors of The Chapel and from there it was a crazy, yet awesome ride. Who knew the next fall (2010) I would be offered the Interim Middle School Director position, and from there try and balance what essentially required a full-time work week with full-time school. And yet I pushed through, and by God's grace, graduation hit in May of 2011. And with it came the offer of staying on full time at The Chapel. Now here I find myself, reflecting back on this amazing journey, looking forward to a new year and the continued path at The Chapel. And I realize how amazingly blessed I am. The families at The Chapel have been so good to me, and it is such a blessing to come alongside you all, to serve you, to be honored to be trusted with your children. You all truly have a spot in my heart. Your kindness and love towards me has been amazing. I cannot imagine the challenges some face, which God has graciously spared. True, I have ups and downs, we have times of conflict, and yet God has blessed us with grace and mercy.

To the community of North Canton, it has been such an honor to come alongside our local schools. You have to put up with these middle schoolers 5 days a week. You deserve more credit than you get, and it has been an honor to be able to assist in any way possible.

I praise God for this continued opportunity to serve you, to serve alongside you. And let God receive the credit for this all: by all means I should not be here right now. My own life was dead set on anything but the church, but giving God my all, all the time. And yet he has brought me here, into your lives. And brought you into mine. His plan is greater than mine, and I pray that North Canton continues to be a part of his plan for my life.

May you know and never forget how deeply God loves you. May my life only speak of what God has done. And know that I see the work of God evident in you all. And I am so blessed and thankful that you all are a part of my life. Praise God for all these things.

In Christ,


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