Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Prayers and Trampolines

"I'm going to have a prayer room, and a trampoline room."

These were the words one of my 6th grade guys spoke in small group when he talked about the house he was going to design. I may laugh but then I realize these are probably two very important things for a house to have. Don't laugh. I'm serious. And it was a 6th grader (who often times, are way smarter than the credit we give them) got right.

I look at how God originally designed us and realized, yeah, thats spot on. Prayer room and trampoline room. See both of these hone in on things we need, and things God knows we need. I think prayer hits on the fact we were created to be in relationship with God. Thus we should have a room, a space, dedicated to God, and time spent with Him. (Not that this is the only place we spend time or dedicate to Him, but this is a place we can go away from distractions, where we can truly focus on Him)

Second, the trampoline room. Who doesn't enjoy having fun? This presents a place that we invite others to. Yes, we may find ourselves enjoying it, but I'm sure the 6th grade mind is thinking: If I had a trampoline room, I could have my friends over all the time. And we need things like this, places to go to be in relationship with one another, as human beings.

"Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.' - Genesis 2:18 (ESV)

God saw our need for companionship, to be in relationship with Him and with others. (A lot of this is playing off my debrief thoughts from a series we just finished off) But I think it shows that whether or not they realized it, or middle schoolers are hitting at two important thoughts: We were created to be in a relationship with God, we need to elevate this and place it as central in our lives (The fact he realized to make a room for it in the way we make entertainment rooms, means he is a cut above the rest.) And we need times to just be in relationship with others, to have fun, to relax. (Thus, the trampoline room)

I learn a lot from my students, without them even realizing they are teaching me. I am truly blessed, and thank God that He teaches me through those He has placed me to shepherd. The Lord does work in mysterious ways, and I am thankful for that.

- Brummy

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Its Not a Buffet...Its Not About Our Desires

I wonder if we truly consider what our Christian faith (or, for some, what the Christian faith) is all about. I find it funny that I work in a church and so often find myself saying, oh well we should do something this way because its better. Or find myself looking at someone and saying, well, they should be doing this more. And I have to stop, smack myself, and take a step back. I have to realize what the big picture is.

The big picture is God. God, whether you want to believe in Him or not, whether He is just some being whom you think has no daily involvement, or no involvement whatsoever in your life or anyones life. I'll tell you who I know God to be. God is daily in my life, daily there for me. That isn't shown because I have everything going for me. Every day I struggle, every day I am hurt, questioning things. And yet, there is a peace which has settled upon me despite all this. And also a challenge. A challenge to be real, to take this seriously.

This is not about what God can DO for me. God has no reason to do anything for me. And this is why He is a God who loves. Some look around and see the hurt and pain and ask, well where is God? I look around and ask, where are we? God was not obligated to, but He loved us so much He sent Jesus, His Son, to die on the cross. To buy as back, to reconcile us to Him. Not because He had to, because He loved us enough to. And that's big picture. Big picture is the fact that there is an eternity we have after this life, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. And God loved us so much, He chose to buy us back. And with that love comes the fact that some of us will still choose to ignore Him, to ignore what He did. We will look at the hurt and pain and ask where He is? Or say He doesn't exist. Even though we derive our sense of right and wrong from Him. Because without Him there is no right. There is no wrong. It becomes subjective.

In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. - 2 Timothy 2:20

And us, in the church, still tend to be subjective. We want to pick and choose. We will so strictly try and enforce certain verses, but others, thats not for us. Or Jesus didn't mean those to be as strict. 

Jesus said to him, "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." - Matthew 19:21

Well I don't want to be perfect. But if you read on, you see that Jesus followers, His disciples, those who were striving to be like Christ, the first Christians, sold everything to follow Him. Part of me wants to type and say, "Well, I don't expect any of you to sell everything you have. I don't expect you to give up your job (that of course God has blessed you with) to give up your role as captain of the swim team, as the head cheerleader, getting straight A's in your ivy league school." And then part of me this morning says, there's something wrong with this picture. When we are willing to sacrifice to attain these things, willing to get up early to run, dedicate hours to training. When we are willing to put in longer hours in order to get that promotion. When we are willing to sacrifice relationships with friends, family, in order to get the best grades possible. When we are willing to sacrifice money in order to get that better car, that better house, take a better vacation. 

Would we be willing to put it all on the line for God?

We say yes, but lets be honest. If we question whether or not God really wants us to follow what He says when he says, 'Go, sell what you possess and give to the poor.' Then we have our answer. If we hesitate, we know where our heart truly lies. Well, I'm not perfect. Neither am I! But do I strive to be? Do I get that this CRAP won't matter someday? That it doesn't matter today. It won't make us happy. Our jobs, our grades, our stuff. My two TV's, my two Xbox's, my hundreds of DVD's, the grades I got, the piece of paper that says: Yes, you graduated college! If I am 100% honest I couldn't care less about them. And yet, to part with them? I stop and hesitate. And I realize, wow. Matt, look at yourself. Look at what you have become. Will you give it all up? Would I be willing to? 

Am I willing to give up my definition of what "church" looks like. If they didn't play my songs. If it wasn't the exact hour when I wanted to be there.

I need to do a heart check. We need to do a heart check. This is not about us. It comes down to Jesus Christ, whips tearing at his flesh, nails piercing his hands and feet, who loved us so much He gave his LIFE for us! And we question whether we can give up school, our jobs, sports, money, even what we think "church" is. It is true, without Christ, I am broken, miserable, a wretch.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tonight I Cried...

My heart breaks tonight. Tonight I cried. Not because of pain experienced to myself, but pain for others. I wonder how often in ministry I will feel this. I look and see some close to me in ministry who are hurting, and I fear for students choosing to turn their backs on God and the church. I cry because I know I cannot be Jesus to them, I cannot try. I must present the love of Christ, but I must not be Christ. I must not be the reason they attend church, the reason they choose God. They must choose to follow on their own. And yet I know the paths some are choosing to walk lead nowhere. I have turned my back on friends. It led nowhere. I have cut ties with family, it has led nowhere. I have attempted to cut myself from God. And at that farthest point, love found me. And it has brought me here, God has brought me here.

I pray to God for restoration of those families outside the church and inside. I look and see hurt and pain and I pray we would throw off what is paining us and look to Christ. I pray that we would give up what is holding us back. Through tears I lift up these requests to God. I write this because I must express my concern for those in our student ministry. The enemy is attempting its best to throw us off course. But I hold fast, when I feel the urge to quit, I press on. Forgetting what is past, I strain on towards the goal. Not by my own strength. Through the strength of Christ. The only reason I am here is because of Christ. I would be a mess, the farthest thing from church, were it not for God's grace and mercy. And my heart breaks for those who will choose to turn to the depths, and there ignore the reaches of God's love, grace and mercy. Those who because of this will bring themselves to his wrath and judgement. Thus through tears I lift my prayers for you to my heavenly Father, who knows all our needs. Who knows right where we are at.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Psalm to God

O Lord, How Great is Your Name,
You are worthy to be praised,
Your name is higher than all these things,
You are greater than these videos and games I put before you,

Music in my ears has become an idol,
Take from me these hands which have become unclean,
How stupid we have been to forget the wonder of your name,
You put others to shame, no athlete, artist, actor, actress, king, president, or any other compare with You

In the end all will see your name lifted high,
Our billboards will crumble,
Our homes will lie in ruin,
Faded and destroyed will be our mansions,
Black and dim will be our entertainment centers,
Our phones will sit unused, billions of text sent wasted for eternity
All will be drawn to You and your name

Why do they not see? Why do they not hear?
They have been blinded and confused
They have lost all wonder for your name

The mountains we thought we conquered, you built,
Your power is still evident in the great hurricanes which wipe away our filth,
That it did not take loss of lives to realize how blind we have been,
O God, let us surrender before you that you may spare those times,
But let your wonder be known, for You are God alone

These trophies we collect sit in dust,
Can we still run as swift? Can we still swim as fast?
What about this mountain? What about the sea?
They speak the might of God, our trophies are worthless before Him

They speak of the money they have, the things they buy
God clothes those in need, causes the food to grow,
provides for those in need
Your father buys you things,
Our Father has everything we need, And He is all we need

O Lord, How majestic is your name
Draw us back to you
Let our hearts not wander
Let your name be known throughout the earth

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Post for Parents

Let me start by saying I have no idea what it must be like to be a parent. But I know what it is like to be a child, to be man, to be a sinner, in desperate need of the grace of God. I know how much I tend to project my desires of what other people should be onto others. I may be doing that in this post. But I write in hope that this is only my heart, which is being wrenched from within me, crying out as I survey the community of North Canton and surrounding area in which God has placed me. He has placed me in this role, he has placed me here to guide. He must be the one guiding because without Him I am completely blind. Yet I look and see, see how often our personal tendencies project through. Parents, this is heartfelt from one who has experienced this personally as a child. And yet, this is also a message of hope, for a God who has restored the broken and frayed relationship I had.

Is your child loved because they are your child? Or are their certain things you really require of them for you to love them? Do they have to play sports? Perhaps it runs in your family, perhaps you were captain of the swim team, perhaps you are a marathon runner. Have you let these things define you in that it must also define your son or daughter? True, we all desire good things for those we love, but the best is Christ. And what if we must surrender these things to make room for Christ? Will we ourselves do it? Will we allow our children to do this? To make the choice to surrender these things?

Well, that's not how it works. They need this to get into this college...They need to be involved in these social clubs to get a good career. If these are the responses we make, that I make, I need to step back and ask whom I follow. Who my life is about. We must also stop and think about how our words impact those we love. While I trust you will still love your child without them doing these things, I hear stories of students who fear that if they do not do this, their parents will no longer have a reason to love them.

I sat on the bench of a court, watching my buddies play basketball for numerous years. I was on the team and not very good. And to me, I thought I had to be, had to at least play. Because it was then my dad loved me. Some sit and wish their parents were at a game, while perhaps you are busy at work, wanting to buy your family all the things your dad couldn't afford. Yes, things are nice. But honestly, when I get to this point in life, it is time I look back and wish I had more of. Was I happy for that gameboy where I logged hours playing Pokemon? Sort of. Do I wish I just had more time to go hang out with my father, back when I was still a child. Yes isn't a strong enough word. Do I wish I knew and could tell myself how much my father did love me. That his words were misunderstood by me, that I didn't have to be the best at sports.

Parents, my desire is you would spend time with your child. That you would love them for more than the sport they play, the grades they get. As Christ has loved us. I know I have no idea of what it means to be a father, but my heart breaks at the thought of making the mistake of trying to define who my child is outside of anything but Christ. The day I try and make my child live out what I wish I was, or what I think would be the best other than what Christ has made them to be, is the day I have failed. And I will fail. But I challenge myself, I challenge you, if you are truly in Christ, to love as Christ loves. To let your son or daughter know they are so much more than their grades, their athletics, what school they attend or what college they get in to, or what career they have chosen. For these things are worthless in the grand scheme.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust[e] destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Matthew 6:19-21

"See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him." - 1 John 3:1

In Christ,
