Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Prayers and Trampolines

"I'm going to have a prayer room, and a trampoline room."

These were the words one of my 6th grade guys spoke in small group when he talked about the house he was going to design. I may laugh but then I realize these are probably two very important things for a house to have. Don't laugh. I'm serious. And it was a 6th grader (who often times, are way smarter than the credit we give them) got right.

I look at how God originally designed us and realized, yeah, thats spot on. Prayer room and trampoline room. See both of these hone in on things we need, and things God knows we need. I think prayer hits on the fact we were created to be in relationship with God. Thus we should have a room, a space, dedicated to God, and time spent with Him. (Not that this is the only place we spend time or dedicate to Him, but this is a place we can go away from distractions, where we can truly focus on Him)

Second, the trampoline room. Who doesn't enjoy having fun? This presents a place that we invite others to. Yes, we may find ourselves enjoying it, but I'm sure the 6th grade mind is thinking: If I had a trampoline room, I could have my friends over all the time. And we need things like this, places to go to be in relationship with one another, as human beings.

"Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.' - Genesis 2:18 (ESV)

God saw our need for companionship, to be in relationship with Him and with others. (A lot of this is playing off my debrief thoughts from a series we just finished off) But I think it shows that whether or not they realized it, or middle schoolers are hitting at two important thoughts: We were created to be in a relationship with God, we need to elevate this and place it as central in our lives (The fact he realized to make a room for it in the way we make entertainment rooms, means he is a cut above the rest.) And we need times to just be in relationship with others, to have fun, to relax. (Thus, the trampoline room)

I learn a lot from my students, without them even realizing they are teaching me. I am truly blessed, and thank God that He teaches me through those He has placed me to shepherd. The Lord does work in mysterious ways, and I am thankful for that.

- Brummy

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