Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Its Not a Buffet...Its Not About Our Desires

I wonder if we truly consider what our Christian faith (or, for some, what the Christian faith) is all about. I find it funny that I work in a church and so often find myself saying, oh well we should do something this way because its better. Or find myself looking at someone and saying, well, they should be doing this more. And I have to stop, smack myself, and take a step back. I have to realize what the big picture is.

The big picture is God. God, whether you want to believe in Him or not, whether He is just some being whom you think has no daily involvement, or no involvement whatsoever in your life or anyones life. I'll tell you who I know God to be. God is daily in my life, daily there for me. That isn't shown because I have everything going for me. Every day I struggle, every day I am hurt, questioning things. And yet, there is a peace which has settled upon me despite all this. And also a challenge. A challenge to be real, to take this seriously.

This is not about what God can DO for me. God has no reason to do anything for me. And this is why He is a God who loves. Some look around and see the hurt and pain and ask, well where is God? I look around and ask, where are we? God was not obligated to, but He loved us so much He sent Jesus, His Son, to die on the cross. To buy as back, to reconcile us to Him. Not because He had to, because He loved us enough to. And that's big picture. Big picture is the fact that there is an eternity we have after this life, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. And God loved us so much, He chose to buy us back. And with that love comes the fact that some of us will still choose to ignore Him, to ignore what He did. We will look at the hurt and pain and ask where He is? Or say He doesn't exist. Even though we derive our sense of right and wrong from Him. Because without Him there is no right. There is no wrong. It becomes subjective.

In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. - 2 Timothy 2:20

And us, in the church, still tend to be subjective. We want to pick and choose. We will so strictly try and enforce certain verses, but others, thats not for us. Or Jesus didn't mean those to be as strict. 

Jesus said to him, "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." - Matthew 19:21

Well I don't want to be perfect. But if you read on, you see that Jesus followers, His disciples, those who were striving to be like Christ, the first Christians, sold everything to follow Him. Part of me wants to type and say, "Well, I don't expect any of you to sell everything you have. I don't expect you to give up your job (that of course God has blessed you with) to give up your role as captain of the swim team, as the head cheerleader, getting straight A's in your ivy league school." And then part of me this morning says, there's something wrong with this picture. When we are willing to sacrifice to attain these things, willing to get up early to run, dedicate hours to training. When we are willing to put in longer hours in order to get that promotion. When we are willing to sacrifice relationships with friends, family, in order to get the best grades possible. When we are willing to sacrifice money in order to get that better car, that better house, take a better vacation. 

Would we be willing to put it all on the line for God?

We say yes, but lets be honest. If we question whether or not God really wants us to follow what He says when he says, 'Go, sell what you possess and give to the poor.' Then we have our answer. If we hesitate, we know where our heart truly lies. Well, I'm not perfect. Neither am I! But do I strive to be? Do I get that this CRAP won't matter someday? That it doesn't matter today. It won't make us happy. Our jobs, our grades, our stuff. My two TV's, my two Xbox's, my hundreds of DVD's, the grades I got, the piece of paper that says: Yes, you graduated college! If I am 100% honest I couldn't care less about them. And yet, to part with them? I stop and hesitate. And I realize, wow. Matt, look at yourself. Look at what you have become. Will you give it all up? Would I be willing to? 

Am I willing to give up my definition of what "church" looks like. If they didn't play my songs. If it wasn't the exact hour when I wanted to be there.

I need to do a heart check. We need to do a heart check. This is not about us. It comes down to Jesus Christ, whips tearing at his flesh, nails piercing his hands and feet, who loved us so much He gave his LIFE for us! And we question whether we can give up school, our jobs, sports, money, even what we think "church" is. It is true, without Christ, I am broken, miserable, a wretch.

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