Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank You - A Blog to Parents

For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. - 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12

Parents, I just wanted to write this post today to thank you. To thank you for allowing me to come alongside you. While much of my job is to build into youth, I am so grateful that you trust me and allow me to come alongside you. I want to write to encourage you all today to continue in what you are doing. Because you are doing something right. It is an honor and a privilege to come alongside you, to be able to assist in any way possible. I cannot possibly imagine what it is to be a father, to have a child of my own. And yet I am blessed to have a small role in watching your interactions, to learn from you, to be encouraged by you. I don't write to tell you what you are doing wrong, there may be other posts (and I know I will need posts reminding me what I am doing wrong.) But I wanted to write to encourage, to remind you that I am not here to replace you.

I hear the phrase, do your job so that you won't have one. While I would miss my role, I would love it if there honestly was no need for me, if students desired to spend their time with their parents, with their families. And they do. They cherish the moments they spend with you as a Father, with you as a Mother, more than the time they spend with me. That I can fade into the background so they can take that time with their family is a joy. That I can be an extra voice repeating the same advice you give is a joy, that in the end it is your guidance they follow, while perhaps not from your mouth. If that is how I assist, than thank you. It truly is a joy to be able to serve you. I have grown to love your children, and to love you as parents. I encourage you to continue to look to Christ, that we continue to look to Christ, in all we do.

Thank you again for the great privilege of allowing me to be a second voice in your child's life. I pray that you would let me know any way I can be of assistance to you now or in the future.

In Christ,

- Brummy

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