Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wait for the Lord

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! (Psalm 27:14 ESV)
This past month I have learned much about waiting for the Lord. Many difficult situations have been thrown at me, and through them I have had to wait for God. For God to give me the wisdom as to what (or what not) to say. And before all this, I believe I was waiting for the Lord.

Much of what I do is spending time with students. I believe relationships are critical, foundational, to sharing the gospel to students. I believe relationships allow (and force) one to speak without ever saying a word. By our actions, modeling a sacrificial love, it then brings us into places to actually use words to speak what we believe, to use words to speak God's truth and love. But this all involves a lot of waiting, waiting for the Lord, and His timing. That the relationships you pour and invest to, knowing you are in them because of God's love, involve a lot of waiting. I've waited a lot with students. Waited for opportunities to speak what I believe, while quietly doing my best to model God's love to them. I waited, praying sometimes that God would give opportunities for me to speak.

And then, funny how God works, it all hit at once. A lot happened. But it involved a lot of waiting. Waiting on the Lord, because for awhile I wondered if what we did at 180 Student Ministries made an impact, if the truth we preached was getting across. And it was. But it was on God's timing, not mine. It wasn't during that "awesome" worship service we had poured hours into, from that tear jerking Passion video. It was in the simple moments after a Connect Group, in the wake of the passing of a beloved father, in the quiet moments before a midnight showing of a movie. It involved a lot of waiting. It was a test, a challenge.

But what I have learned is this: wait for the Lord. For his timing. Be strong through it all. Because you don't know how things will play out. Just because a student doesn't respond in an awesome service which seems to be the most spirit-filled, doesn't mean the message wasn't gotten across. Be faithful in your relationships, first to God, and second to those in your life. Live out what you believe, because most people want to see they can trust you before they trust you with words. Take courage, know that God is at work. And wait for Him.

- Brummy.

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