Monday, April 23, 2012

Who Are You?

"But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God." - John 1:12-13
 If I were to ask you who you were, what would your answer be? I have been challenged today by this question. Because, when it comes down to it, I know a lot of answers I would like to give but these do not define me.

I am not my job. If I ceased to work for a church, would I then cease to exist?
I am not an American. If I wasn't in America, born here, would I cease to exist?
I am not defined by how tall I am, how much I weigh. If I suddenly grew heavier, lost a leg, etc. would I cease to exist?
I am not a college student. If college were gone, would I then not exist?

So how do we define ourselves? By our jobs, how much we have, the things we have done or haven't done? Because if those things are gone, do we then cease to exist? Rather, we can only define ourselves in one way: in Christ. I am reminded today that I am a child of God. This is not based on anything I have achieved, on something I have done, nor is it a momentary thing. It is something which cannot be taken away from me. I am a child of God. That is who I am. 

Who are you? Don't define yourself by worldly standards, because they can never define you. Define yourself by God, define yourself in Christ. As a beloved child of the King.

- Brummy

(PS I realize I posed about this before...but I think we all need continuous reminders not to define ourselves in anyone or anything but Christ)

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