Tuesday, November 26, 2013

ReThink: Local Schools

There is something amazing that happens with relationships over time. It's this natural thing which allows no shortcuts but which God uses magnificently for His glory. Being in my fifth year of ministry at The Chapel, this is my third year in partnership with the local middle schools - and there is something beautiful about that.

There were often times I prayed and wanted something in that moment that I am just beginning to glimpse. And so I would like to share today three words of advice for those looking to partner with their local schools.

1. Pray. And accept whatever answer.

I prayed, knowing what I wanted, but willing to accept what I got. At the beginning of my first year I asked God to open doors in local schools and close others - that He would lead and I would follow. And that is what happened - schools I thought would allow me to come alongside were ones who said "no" whereas the schools I received the most resistance from are now schools in which I have deep relationships with principals, faculty, and students. God works in mysterious ways.

2. Be ok knowing your culture is different from my culture and their culture. But there is one common thread...

A lot of times there is really just nothing you can do. Most schools won't allow you to come in and eat at lunch. Most schools won't allow you to come in and chaperone a school dance. Most schools won't...

But - you can do something even better. I began to walk my dog past a local middle school daily and integrate the school - faces I had seen, teachers I knew, students who I know were hurting - and prayed for them as I walked. Prayer is something always needed and that regardless of location - you can always do.

3. Trust God

Hopefully this is a given - but trust God. God will do things you never expected and beyond what you could imagine. The reality is that when God moves - he moves. There may be times where what you wanted or expected are not the reality - and that is ok. I have learned that with time, remaining faithful, God will do things I never even thought of. He will use me in crazy ways - and it is beautiful. There may be dreams I had that never come to fruition - but there are other things the Lord sweeps me into which make me set aside all disappointment I may have had.

I never dreamed I would be able to walk into a cafeteria as a norm - that students would actually wonder and ask why I hadn't been there in awhile. I never realized the opportunity I would have to reach those working day after day with students - to encourage them and come alongside them.

Pray. Be ok with whatever situation. And trust God.

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